May 2011: My first encounter with SEI: seeing Ireland in a new light

My first encounter with SEI: seeing Ireland in a new light

Social Entrepreneurs Ireland (SEI) runs an extraordinary competition to win funding and support over two years. I started to write this blog when I had reached the final 18 of the competition in 2011 and before I knew whether I would be in the last eight who are all guaranteed a prize. I began to write the day before I submitted my final documents; I chose that ...

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March 2011: A moral dilemma

A moral dilemma

 I launched the Research & Hope website in February 2011. It is now three years later and I am working to improve and update the website. From the beginning I have had the same moral dilemma as I now face:  do I hold fast to my ethical principles, or earn enough money to speed up the research and help more people?

My choice so far has been to stay with my principles and do without the ...

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March 2011:From solitude to support: reaching for the impossible … again

From solitude to support: reaching for the impossible … again

For the first five years after Steve’s stroke I spent many waking hours sitting alone in front of my computer. Every time I sat down I knew that my research could help Steve but I didn’t know if anyone else would be interested in the website I was creating. So many elements were needed to create Research & Hope, from hours of web design, infinite reading lists and endless searching for ...

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February 2011: Metaphysics and the Media

Metaphysics and the Media

In February 2011 I launched the Research & Hope website the following year I founded Neruo Hero Both events were accompanied by a great deal of interest from the media. I have always hidden from cameras; as a consequence, there are very few family photos that include me. Now I find myself frequently posing for the press and speaking on the radio.

Remembering the time…

I remember the first time I was invited to appear ...

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January 2011: Learning from the master: Miyamaoto Musashi

Learning from the master: Miyamaoto Musashi

I have always been a perfectionist. For many years, it was a constant struggle to be content with anything, from my academic writings to my skill as a pool player. However, many years of karate have taught me that perfection is infinitely beyond my grasp.

Just eight years after I began practicing karate I was sitting with a group of senior students as they told their epic tales of battles fought, injuries sustained and the weird and ...

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December 2010: Stroke, snow and stoicism

Stroke,snow and stoicism

When I thought about launching my first project the Research & Hope website I envisaged all kinds of potential obstacles. Could I complete the research? Would anyone be interested? Would the medical establishment recognise my work? As it turned out, the answers were all positive. I was able to research 24 treatments for stroke that might be helpful in addition to the standard medical approach. The feedback was far better than I could have imagined and I am ...

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September 2010 : Acts of kindness

Acts of kindness: why I want to ‘pay it forward’

One of the big questions in the philosophy of religion is this: ‘If the Almighty is all good, then why is there evil in the world?’ There are many possible answers, but one view states that terrible situations produce good deeds and actions. I have debated this many times over the years but my experiences since June 2006 have enabled me to better understand this answer. I have ...

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June 2010: Using L-dopa for Stroke

June 2010: Using L-dopa for Stroke

In January of 2010, as I trawled through the Internet, I came across a research paper on a drug called L-dopa. It was already a well-known treatment for Parkinson’s disease but it was now being tested for stroke. The researchers’ preliminary results looked encouraging, so I printed out the paper and brought it to one of Steve’s doctors.

We have been blessed with the most wonderful doctors over the years, from our GP to ...

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May 2010: Stem Cells

May 2010: Stem Cells

As I worked my way through Google’s search listings, clicking on entry after entry that had ‘stroke’ in the title, the same advertisement kept popping up. I had trained myself not to see the ads but for some reason, I clicked on this one. I started reading about stem cell replacement therapy that used your own cells. I could feel my heart beating faster.

Two years of research

I phoned the number listed and spent half an hour quizzing ...

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April 2010: The start of a very different life

 April 2010: The start of a very different life

As a student and teacher of philosophy, I have always believed it possible to think my way out of any situation. In the past, I have almost always managed to get what I want, although it hasn’t always turned out to be what I expected.

In June of 2006 I found myself in a situation that made me wonder if I was wrong. Maybe I had met my match; maybe this was the ...

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