July 2014: Speech and Language App: Making changes

Speech and Language App: Making changes                         

Updating our app: an organic process

Part of my work with Neuro Hero includes gathering and documenting customer feedback in order to review our app Talk Around It. Enhancing customer satisfaction is such an important element and can be often overlooked when developing digital products. Although our apps are developed by Speech and Language therapists we also need to see how our software is being used by independent therapists using our apps ...

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April 2014: Be a Weeble

Be a Weeble

When I was a little girl I saw an ad for an amazing new toy, a little doll with a catchy slogan “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down”. My little brother and I tested this claim over and over as we tried to make our Weebles stay down!


Years later at a self-development seminar I was asked to come up with a slogan that described my life. I was at a particularly low point, Steve ...

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2014: Andrew Marr speaks out for more physiotherapy after stroke

Andrew Marr speaks out for more physiotherapy after stroke

Andrew Marr’s eloquence and humour allowed ordinary people a real insight into life after stroke during his time with JohnathanRoss. This interview offered a rare combination of entertainment, inspiration and highlighting essential issues.

 In particular Andrew drew attention to the lack of physiotherapy available for ordinary people who are living with the consequences of stroke. In Ireland and the UK most people are offered six to eight ...

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June 2011: Chance meetings and life changing moments

Chance meetings and life changing moments

On 15th June 2011 I hosted the first ever Research & Hope event. When I realised I had the opportunity to host a talk by Professor Vincent Walsh on ‘Brain stimulation and stroke’ I was thrilled … and then I panicked.

I have attended and spoken at numerous events but I had no idea how to organise one. I am very grateful, therefore, that Care Alliance came to my rescue. They agreed to co-host the event ...

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