July 2014: Speech and Language App: Making changes

Speech and Language App: Making changes                         

Updating our app: an organic process

Part of my work with Neuro Hero includes gathering and documenting customer feedback in order to review our app Talk Around It. Enhancing customer satisfaction is such an important element and can be often overlooked when developing digital products. Although our apps are developed by Speech and Language therapists we also need to see how our software is being used by independent therapists using our apps ...

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July 2013 India: Changing my perspective

July 2013 India: Changing my perspective

At first I felt guilty. Here I was in one of the poorest countries in the world, sitting in a beautiful hotel stuffing myself with the best food I have ever tasted. When I heard I was coming to India with Journeys for Change I thought that I would be living in rough conditions and helping to deliver polio drops or distributing food parcels while learning about social enterprises here. I could not have been ...

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April 2013: When ‘It’ hit me

April 2013: When ‘It’ hit me

 When I told people that Social Entrepreneurs Ireland was sending me on a journey through southern India I was frequently warned to expect a moment when “It” will hit me. “It” can be anything; for one of my fellow travellers it was a meeting a beggar who shared the same severe disability as two of her children.

Each surgeon completes 100 operations a day

 ‘It’ hit me in the ...

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June 2012: My first night away in 13 years

My first night away in 13 years

‘Man is nothing else but what he purposes, he exists only in so far as he realizes himself, he is therefore nothing else but the sum of his actions, nothing else but what his life is.’ (“Man Makes Himself” by Jean-Paul Sartre)

Since Steve had his stroke in 2006 I had not spent a night away from him and our girls. Since our eldest daughter was born almost 13 years ...

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April 2011: Learning to Care: The Carers’ Sanctuary Magazine

Learning to Care: The Carers’ Sanctuary Magazine

I seem to have lived many different lives. I have studied and worked in various countries. I was a university student, part- or full-time, for 12 years; I have had several careers, from lecturer to business consultant; I have been a girlfriend, a partner, a wife and a mother. As I moved through these different phases of my life, I simply adapted. I seemed to know how to adjust to each new situation, more ...

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