Almudena’s work experience

Almudena’s work experience

After one month and half….

After one month and a half working in an Irish company I know that this is one of the best decisions of all my life. At the beginning I wasn´t sure if it would be a good opportunity to improve my English, but I need more professional experience on my Curriculum Vitae. My main concern about work experience was, if I could improve my English and at the same time get experience related with Online Marketing. Now, I have the answer, YES! In one month and a half my English has improved by leaps and bounds, because I spend every day working eight hours with Irish people: reading, listening, writing and speaking in English!

The first days were confusing because I couldn´t understand the accent, but after some weeks I could communicate with my workmates and now I feel that they understand me and I understand them, I can work in another language, in spite of it sometimes being difficult. I feel really happy with my decision to do work experience. It is true that my internship is unpaid, and it was a little problem in the beginning because I wasn´t sure if it is good to work without a salary, but now, I know that they pay me with something more important: training in my field and teaching English, and I feel really grateful to them.

One of the most difficult things that I have had to do is take notes at Monday meetings. Everybody is talking, faster than when they talk with just me alone. Listening to four Irish people talking at the same time is the most difficult thing that I have had to do since I started this experience, but I know it helps to improve my English and I focus every Monday on taking better notes to report to my workmates.


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